
The Evils of Automatic Update Utilities

Damn software update utilities! I've never liked any of them Windows Update will update anything and then requests a restart. Selecting "restart later" only causes the prompt to close for a few minutes before prompting again, and most of the updates seem like they shouldn't require the system to be restarted anyway!

Apple's Software Update is just as bad, but it executes far less frequently, which make's it not so bad… But today, I got an encryption update for iChat… After applying it, I was prompted to either "Shutdown" or "Restart" -- I didn't even have the option of doing anything else. I decided to risk it by just force quitting the application -- the next time my MacBook (now named 「アキラ」"Akira") truly requires a restart, the update will be applied…

SUSE's YOU (YaST Online Update) is nicer about the restarts, but one has to be really careful, YOU keeps notifying me that my Firefox is out of date and needs to be upgraded to such-and-such a version of Firefox 1.5.x.y -- However, I have long since manually updated to the 2.0 series of Firefox… If I'm not very careful on exactly that I select in YOU, it'll downgrade my Firefox (and in the process make me really grumpy).

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