
Firefox Frustration

Firefox 1.5 has been annoying me recently. The browser will stop responding if left running for an excessive amount of time (days to weeks) or if there is a lot of tabs running. I'm not sure why the browser does this, but it's quite infuriating, especially when I lose web sites that took me hours to find.

I was presented with a few options for a solution:
1 – Use a different web browers (Opera)
2 – Attempt to find a solution to this issue by searching google
3 – Upgrade to Firefox 2.0 RC3.

In this case, I was lazy and chose the latter...

I've been running F'Fox 2.0 RC3 in Mac OS for a while now, but Mac OS X is easy to manage installation and uninstallation of programs, allowing me to have two copies of firefox installed at the same time with out a single problem. Linux is a little different, but still easier than Windows (which has to use registry files and “shared” system files), but I was still worried about loosing my bookmarks, and worse yet would be the possibility that it may just screw Firefox over.

To ease my mind, I made a simple backup of both my bookmarks (export to .htm file) and my /opt/MozillaFirefox/lib directory, one for Firefox 1.5 (a second lib file now exists, called lib 1.5) and installing F'Fox 2.0 RC3 to lib, over-writing the old 1.5 files. Things went swimmingly, and I'm quite pleased with it so far. Hopefully, it'll keep going this way as I start to use it as my primary browser on more and more of my computers. --Hey, at least it loads faster now!

Also, I have upgraded my Thunderbird from to – that installer was managed by YaST, so it was nice and easy, and it was a change from to, so there isn't much different, at least not that I could tell.

One last thing... I have also tried out SeaMonkey (also from Mozilla), and once again on my MacBook... I was none-too-pleased with it. The interface uses the old “Mozilla” web browser interface (pre-Firefox years) which turned me away from it right from the start. I'm not sure if they just used the old Mozilla skin or if they actually used the old Moz core... I've got a feeling it's the latter, and I haven't been able to really warm up to the program after that.

Maybe one day I'll start to really use it, but not until they get it set up using Firefox.

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