It's like eating ice cream with a fork...
I'm finally back in OSX, but it's not the OSX that I remember from that old days... I'm running OSX on my Intel P4 (it is a hacked version of OSX, but I do have a legal copy that isn't installed on anything, so I think that gives me the right to test out OSX on a Pentium, well... At least I think it gives me the right).
It's taking some getting used to, since I'm trying to figure out all the short-cut keys, and why some applications randomly crash (verrrry unapple like), but over all I think it's been a quite interesting experiment.
Since I'm in VMWare, I've had some odd issues... First, it took me about 6 times before I could get the OSX installer to work (some guess work, and a little bit of determination, and things ended up fine). I'm not so sure how much I like the system yet though... It seems to be a bit of a CPU hog (although, that may just be because of how the OS is set up in VMWare), but I'm really enjoying the widgets! At first they were a bit of a pain to get configured and placed, but once I got them set, they make for quite the pleasant addition to the OS.
If there's one thing that justifies spending all that money on a macintosh, it is definitely how awesome the operating system looks. I've got a minor bug with this, since I have no control over my refresh rate (seems to be a VMWare problem), and my mouse and keyboard seem to be a bit delayed (seems to be an OSX issue).
I was even able to configure Japanese text input (いけ、いけ!日本語!) fairly easily, much easier than in Windows (and Linux is a bit difficult to get input methods to work just right anyway) but overall, I'm quite impressed with the operating system.
Coming Soon: Windows Vista: The Resurrection of Windows
and: Xgl (for linux) The Future of *NIX GUIs